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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
As everyone knows, Land Ops is a very unique activity. For this reason I've always relied on video to help show what we do. I'm starting this discussion in hopes to build a small team of videographers that will assist in capturing the Land Ops action.
LATEST AERIAL VIDEO Since 2009 I've been capturing aerial video using the Align Helicopter TREX 600 and have had some great results. I can even fly in fairly high wind. But recently seeing Zeev Haskal's quadcopter and especially the performance by Greg Martin's video capture of the Cuddeback lake vehicle recovery, I am convinced we need more quads in the air. I am looking to coordinate with members who want to help with all aspects of video and especially aerial.
Ahh yes! more video supporters.
I'm looking to develop some support teams that can shoot and submit video for the webisodes. I'll do the editing. If at all possible I'd like to have all video submitted immediately after the ops.
My main cam is a T5i by Canon. I use GoPro's original models. A few consumer HD handhelds and the Phantom quadcopter three axis gimbal cam.
Greg, can you elaborate on what the garmin virb does? Does it record screen shots of our movments? This would be useful to install into the video footagte that I edit and publish.
As some of you know I am currently capturing aerial video using a Phantom 2 Vision +. I was recently inspired by Greg Martin's (KK6PRV) results with his Phantom he used to capture the aerial video at Cuddeback. You can see the results using two Phantoms during the last advanced op near Soda Dry Lake. Watch at https://youtu.be/H40VjiRsfVM
The Virb records location and movement data with each video clip. It includes some editing software that you can then use to put graphics / meters over the video (using the location / movement data) ; gps coordinates, speedometer, compass, a track of the route, distance traveled, elevation, grade, pitch, roll, etc.
Heres an example from Cuddeback, with some meters;
I will bring my laptop to the pow wow to show you the editing options.
Greg, This is a nice feature for recording video with navigation information. Thanks for sharing.
I'm planning to release two types of videos;
1. Videos that feature the Land Ops group and "WHAT" we do (free to everyone) and helps promote the group.
2. Special production episodes (45-60 minutes in length) as documentary style program with a particular storyline. Downloadable or DVD for donations. Perhaps two specials per year.
I'd like to follow the model of the Reel Rock climbing video series; https://youtu.be/iRQh50lAl4Y
I purchase and download these videos and I'm not even a rock climber. I like them because they are done so well as adventure videos.
Nice vid, interesting lyrics while watching the speedo.
Greg Martin wrote: The Virb records location and movement data with each video clip. It includes some editing software that you can then use to put graphics / meters over the video (using the location / movement data) ; gps coordinates, speedometer, compass, a track of the route, distance traveled, elevation, grade, pitch, roll, etc. Heres an example from Cuddeback, with some meters; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEawsQhwiFo&feature=youtu.be I will bring my laptop to the pow wow to show you the editing options.
I recognized where this was without even looking at the coords. Cuddeback to Fremont