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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
It was really great to make contact last weekend on 80M. Testing for my General tomorrow, so hopefully Ill be up and running on HF myself soon!
Can't make it, but will definitely be on the net. I do a lot of NVIS on 80m, so hopefully it will work.
I checked today with the Sequoia National Forest District and it appears that there are no campfire restrictions now in Monache Meadow. You do need to have a California Campfire Permit however, which is available online. California Campfire Permit Link...if you can, be sure to bring some firewood for group campfire.
Jim, Thanks for the weather report. Looks like the makings for a great weekend.
For those of you coming this weekend to Monache Meadow, note that the Base Camp location is planned to be established at 36.200657 , -118.176068 which is at the south end of Monache Meadow.
We will also be conducting an 80 meter HF voice net on Friday and Saturday nights at 8pm Pacific time from the Monache Meadow Op. Listen or call on 3.905 LSB, visitors welcome. If the frequency is busy, listen up the band until you find us.
Weather is going to be great...