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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
Good news! We have permission from the owner of the Chuckwalla and Cactus City repeaters to use their linked repeaters this weekend.
Cactus City 146.025+ PL 107.2
Chuckwall 145.380- PL 162.2
The Cactus City repeater covers from Indio to Chiriaco Summit
The Chuckwalla repeater covers from the Cactus City Rest Stop on I-10 to Blythe.
Look forward to seeing all of you at Chuckwalla Op this weekend. I should be arriving early afternoon at the Net Control/Base Camp location at 33.658047,-115.536457 which is about 2 miles south of Interstate 10. Exit Red Cloud Road, which is about 9.5 miles East of Chiriaco Summit. We may get some rain, but it will keep the dust down! Talk in frequency is 145.555 simplex and FRS 1. The roads are mostly sandy once you are off the highway. Reports in the area are that most of the railroad tracks have been removed, so you may find it easier to drive on the old rail bed instead of the sandy road.