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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
Chris, Fernando and Team,
Just watched the documentary via YouTube and I am so proud of all of you who pitched in (and climbed) to make it happen.
The production value, narration, camera work, music -- all outstanding.
Great way to showcase the talent, technology and spirit of LandOps!
For anyone wanting more information on The Old Woman Meteorite, you can check out this journal article that was published about the meteorite and the litigation after it was found.
Chris and Fernando, Truly a superb piece of research, investigation, field work and documentary. As a supporter of the UCLA Meteorite Gallery (http://meteorite.ucla.edu), I would like to invite you to visit a huge 1" thick slab of the Old Woman Meteorite which just arrived from the Smithsonian due to the work of our Director/Curator, Professor John Wasson. Chris, Fernando, would you each please send me your email addresses so that we can all get in touch with one another off-line? And could you possibly provide me with a clear, crisp copy of the "Placer Location Notice?" With thanks, Cheers, Nick nick.gessler@duke.edu