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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
I would like to start a 75 meter voice net on Saturday nights at 8pm. We used 3.905 on the last Op and it worked very well. By doing it on Saturday night, it won't matter if we are on an Op or not, we will just operate from the field rather than home. I realize that a 75 meter antenna is difficult for some, but it works really well for NVIS. You will need to use some version of a horizontal antenna for it to work. By setting it on this band and at this time, it will work any time of year regardless of the solar cycle. First net 6/16/18.
Post here if you are interested.
Tonight I used a Chameleon EMCOM III antenna and was able to hear all parties in the conversation from my QTH in Huntington Beach. The 73' antenna was deployed along the top of a 6' wooden fence running East to West along with a 27' counterpoise that was dropped to 1' off the ground and run along the bottom of the fence (off the ground) in the same direction as the antenna. I am acquiring an SWR meter next in order to determine if the built in tuner in my TS-480SAT is up to the task. Thanks to you guys for working on this and especially for accommodating me via text messaging while I get my equipment set up. 73. KJ6KNH
Sorry I missed out on the Net last night...got tied up with Kodiak. I’m still working out the bugs in my setup, but today I finally made a contact with a guy in Browns Valley, CA northeast of Sacramento on 40 meters about 2:30.
I have my antenna up today (Sunday) so if anyone wants to try to reach out today, or tonight, I’m available. Just post up a time and frequency.