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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
Off Road Discussion Forum
DESERT NAV-COMM [LEVEL 2] Saturday Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:00 AM Explore the desert in teams. Navigation and Communication exercises scheduled.
Thurs Mar 22nd - Land Ops Net Control will set up at Brown’s Camp 34.435719° x -114.824057° Link to Bing Maps
Fri Mar 23rd - Morning - Set up team arrives at basecamp for Desert Nav-Comm op and set up teams deploy caches around Turtle Mountains. Base camp at Brown’s Camp which is rough camping no toilets.
Sat Mar 24th - Desert Nav-Comm Op 10:00 am. Overnight Camp at Brown's Camp or overflow camping (rough camping no toilets) at Lisa Dawn Camp 34.436748° x -114.835269° Please arrive no later than 10:00 am so we can break into teams.
Coordinates for Desert Nav-Comm Op Basecamp (Net Control) Brown’s Camp –Planned Primary 34.435719° x -114.824057°
Lisa Dawn Camp – Planned Secondary Secondary 34.436915° x -114.835555°
Be prepared for unknown tertiary basecamp location. Here is a link to the KML file with key locations DesertNavCom.kmz
Area of Operation: Expect the AO to be anywhere within 20 miles of the basecamp (net control).
Frequency: Licensed Operators use simplex 145.555 MHz (2 meter) Unlicensed use FRS Channel 1 (no privacy code)
HF Net: We will be conducting an HF Net on Saturday at 1pm Pacific. Freq 7.210 or if busy listen up the band. All are welcome to check in to the net.
Comms Challenge (Repeater) A temporary 2M repeater may be needed since Brown’s Camp is nestled in a canyon. Need assistance identifying reasonable repeater site to cover area especially west of basecamp.
Run-Up Operation:
The filming crew is planning to stop into Brown’s Camp Sunday morning March 18th hike to and film at the Lost Arch, depart for Old Woman Mountains to film Mon – Thurs (19th-22nd).
Tuesday Mar 21: Afternoon/Evening - John Emig W6CYS to rendezvous with film crew at 34.505507° x -115.274332° to establish temporary net control station.
Wednesday Mar 22: Early 0500 Chris, Fernando and John hike to setup water station, repeater and digipeater at 34.470911° x -115.252590°. After setup, John W6CYS will hike back to net control to monitor Chris and Fernando via APRS and 2M for the full day of hiking and filming at meteorite site. Filming during day, returning most likely in the dark. Assistance still welcome on this segment of the op either hiking or at net control.
Thurday AM: Film crew deconstructs net control, breaks camp and heads to Old Woman Mine then returns to Brown’s Camp on Thursday evening Mar 22nd OR early Friday morning Mar 23rd to begin preparations for the Saturday Nav-Comm op.
Thursday: Early arrivals - setup your camp and help setup net control when Land Ops One arrives. Don’t get too dug in as final basecamp location will be determined when Land Ops 1 arrives Thurs PM or Fri AM.
Friday morning arrivals: setup net control, cache deployment by setup team. Other members needed to stay at net control to stay in communication with deploy team, and provide security at basecamp (watching over all our gear).
Friday afternoon arrivals: Head to basecamp, setup your camp and assist with net control comms and security.
Friday evening arrivals: Head to basecamp, find a campsite (rough, no toilets) and look for small group campfire OR net control.
Nav-Comm Op Day Saturday morning arrivals: Check in at Net Control by 10:00 AM (orientation starts)
Teams to be assigned
Alpha Bravo Special Comms Net Control Team Overwatch Operators
Op planned to start immediately after orientation and will end by approx. 4PM +/- 1 hour (op officially over)
Pick up repeater and return to basecamp (net control)
Dinner and time to go camp hopping Campfire (weather permitting)
Sunday Enjoy the area, hookup with other members for day time excursions. Land Ops 1 plans to depart early AM Sunday since this will be his 10th day on the road
If you wish to join us on this adventure as a Guest of Land Ops, please contact the administrator at: Admin Contact with your name, email, call sign, vehicle and phone.