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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club
Off Road Discussion Forum
HUNGRY VALLEY, CA Pow Wow / Mini Op / 4x4 Training Saturday August 26th 10:00 AM
Enter Park through North Gate at 5301 Ralphs Ranch Rd, Gorman, CA 93243 (Take Gorman Exit). Tell them at the gate you are with Land Ops Group and you will receive an entrance pass. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO PAY AT THE NORTH GATE AS ENTRANCE FEE IS PAID BY LAND OPS. The $5 park entrance fee will be paid directly to Land Ops when you arrive at the Group facility for the meeting.
Perfect opportunity to get to know Land Ops and your 4x4 vehicle.
Vehicle Recovery Practice (4x4 training)
4x4 Practice Area - 34.724014 x -118.864970
Steep uphill recovery practice Vehicle Recovery Points Plugging Tires
Mini Op A mini op is a scaled down version of the club's standard "nav-comm" exercise where teams work together to find hidden instruction caches that provide basic challenges in driving, navigation and radio communications.
Pow Wow Get the up-to-date announcements about up coming events. Perfect for new members to get familiar with all the different aspects of Land Ops.
more details as this op approaches.