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Land Ops - The Off Road, Navigation and Amateur Radio Search Club

Land Ops ARC
 Expedition communications, overland navigation, teamwork challenges

Cuddeback Nav-Comm Jan 17, 2015

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  • 28 Jan 2015 11:05 PM
    Reply # 3212818 on 3158174
    Chris Doering (Administrator)
    Sorry Zeev... see the postings for Cuddeback in the gallery.
  • 26 Jan 2015 1:20 PM
    Reply # 3210727 on 3158174

    Has anyone posted photos from the last event?

  • 15 Jan 2015 10:04 PM
    Reply # 3201720 on 3158174
    Jim Biram (Administrator)

    Leaving So OC at 5am to assist with deployment Friday. See everyone out there!

  • 14 Jan 2015 1:24 AM
    Reply # 3198897 on 3158174
    Chris Doering (Administrator)

    We are definitely an all weather club, but it is so nice to get the beautiful days we've been getting for nearly 5 years straight.

    The night op is completed. Still working on the day time off road mesh node relay.

  • 13 Jan 2015 12:00 PM
    Reply # 3196496 on 3158174

    Good news from the weather man.  Steady rain here in California City last Friday night and most of Saturday.  Might have been a mess for us -- Or, maybe more fun.

  • 13 Jan 2015 6:08 AM
    Reply # 3196165 on 3158174
    Jim Biram (Administrator)

    Looks like we are going to have great weather this weekend!  Sunny, mid 60's day and low 40's at night.

    Link to Weather.gov

  • 12 Jan 2015 4:40 PM
    Reply # 3195526 on 3182189
    Deleted user
    Tim Sperry wrote:

    Pretty flat stuff?

    35' motor home passable.

    Tim, I'm honestly not sure because I wasn't at the recon. I'm taking the 4x4 and pop-up trailer to Base Camp.

    Jim posted this in the Meetup Group:

    Jim Biram

    On our recon we did see some trailers in the area. The size of your trailer will determine if you can get back to the preferred camp area.


    Last modified: 12 Jan 2015 4:41 PM | Deleted user
  • 10 Jan 2015 5:06 PM
    Reply # 3187920 on 3158174
    Jim Biram (Administrator)

    Here is the Link to a PDF of Russ' Comm's Plan Cuddyback Comms Plan

  • 10 Jan 2015 2:41 PM
    Reply # 3187889 on 3158174

    Cuddeback Communications Plan (As of January 10, 2015)

    1. Cuddeback Dry Lake is located in the northern Mojave Desert, approximately midway between Barstow and Ridgecrest, CA at an elevation of approximately 2500’ MSL. The lakebed is approximately 6 miles long and 2-1/2 miles wide at its widest point. The area is bounded by the Black Hills to the north, the Grass Valley Wilderness to the east, Fremont Peak to the south, and U.S. Hwy 395 to the west. Base camp for this operation will be located at 35.358850° -117.347162°, on level ground approximately 4 miles northeast of the lakebed and adjacent to the Grass Valley Wilderness at an elevation of about 3500’. The ground slopes down toward the dry lakebed except that there are low hills of about 3300’ elevation (about 300’ higher than the surrounding terrain) midway between base camp and the dry lakebed.

    2. The weather forecast for January 17 anticipates partly cloudy skies. Winds will be light. No precipitation is forecast. High temperatures will be in the low 60s, low temps will be in the low 30s. (In January, normal high temps are about 60ºF. Normal low temps are about 35ºF). Sunrise on January 17 will be at 1457 UTC (0657 PST).

    Sunset will be at 0102 UTC (1702 PST). 

    There will be a crescent moon. Moonrise will be at 1158 UTC (0358 PST).
    Moonset will be at 2232 UTC (1432 PST).

    3. Primary communications will be voice on 2m ham band and FRS. Additional communications will utilize APRS, 2.4 gHz broadband mesh network and light signals.

    4. Voice frequency assignments:
    Frequency/Channel Comments
    TAC 1 145.525 (S) Net Control (Primary)
    TAC 2 145.555 (S) Net Control (Alternate)
    TAC 3 145.585 (S) Team 1 - Internal
    TAC 4 145.615 (S) Team 2 - internal
    TAC 5 146.550 (S) Team 3 - internal
    TAC 6 146.580 (S) Team 4 - internal
    TAC 7 147.480 (S) Overwatch & Comms team
    TAC 8 147.510 (S) Camera crew
    TAC 9 147.535 (S) Spare
    TAC 11 FRS 1-0 Team 1 - Internal
    TAC 12 FRS 2-0 Team 2 - internal
    TAC 13 FRS 3-0 Team 3 - internal
    TAC 14 FRS 4-0 Team 4 - internal
    TAC 20 145.280 (-) 131.8 W6FXJ – Table Mountain repeater
    TAC 30 145.340 (-) 100.0 WA6YBN – Randsburg repeater
    TAC 40 147.975 (-) 100.0 WI6RE – WIN System Ridgecrest repeater

    5. Net control will be located at basecamp (35.358850° -117.347162°)

    6. Net control will commence operation at 0000 UTC Jan 16 (1600 PST Jan 15). Net control will monitor TAC 1 and TAC 20.

    7. Crossband repeater. If necessary, a crossband repeater will be
    established vicinity of 35.345064, -117.397471 (on hilltop approximately 2
    miles SW of base camp).

    8. APRS 144.390. The nearest permanent digipeater site is near Ridgecrest,
    therefore we do not expect to have APRS connectivity to the outside world
    from the area of operations.

    9. Broadband Mesh will utilize mesh firmware version 3.0.0.
    SSID: BroadbandHamnet-20-V3.
    Mesh nodes will be located at basecamp (35.358850° -117.347162°). The
    location of other mesh nodes will be determined after arrival at the area of
    operations based on the number of mesh nodes available for this operation.
    Tentative locations are as follows:
    Alias Node IDLocation Comments
    Bravo-1 Base Camp
    Bravo-2  Base Camp Aimed at Charlie
    Charlie-1 35.345064, -117.397471
    Charlie-2 35.345064, -117.397471 Aimed at Bravo
    Delta 35.209496, -117.472230 Fremont Peak
    Echo 35.308318, -117.341402 Grass Valley Wilderness
    Foxtrot 35.336890, -117.371744 Grass Valley Wilderness
    Golf 35.326504, -117.553020 Red Mtn
    Mobile-1 KI6MLU-3 Mobile

    10. Broadband Mesh applications are to be determined after arrival at the area of operations based on the number of application servers available for this operation. Tentative applications are as follows:
    Application URL Comments
    Webcam http://DCS-930L
    Web server
    FTP server
    VOIP server

    11. Local Wi-Fi access points to connect Wi-Fi enabled devices such as
    laptops and smartphones to the broadband mesh will be established at base camp and possibly at other locations, subject to the availability of Wi-Fi equipment. The local Wi-Fi access points will use 802.11b/g/n protocol.
    Base Camp/LandOps-Base

    Last modified: 10 Jan 2015 2:43 PM | Russ Chung
  • 06 Jan 2015 1:03 PM
    Reply # 3182189 on 3158174
    Tim Sperry (Administrator)


    Pretty flat stuff?

    35' motor home passable.

    Thanks - Tim

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